Privacy Notice for Staff 
This is a Privacy Notice - also known as a Fair Processing Notice. 

This page describes how the Trust uses and manages the information it holds about its  staff, including how the information may be shared with other organisations, and how  the confidentiality of staff information is maintained. 

Personal data is information that relates to a living individual who can be identified from  that data. 

The Trust is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office as a Data Controller  Royal United Hospitals Bath Z8889967

Legal Basis for Processing of Personal Data 
The Trust holds personal information about its staff (including substantive staff, Bank  staff and volunteers) for employment-related purposes and to allow the Trust to provide  our services in an effective, safe and professional way. 

The processing is necessary for the contracts that the Trust holds with its staff and in  order to comply with UK employment law, as well as complying with our obligations as a  care provider and public authority. 

The GDPR which came into force in May 2018 will continue to operate in UK law after  the UK exits the EU (European Union). 

This will not affect your rights, your contract of employment or the information that is  processed about you. 

Please see below for further details. 

To ensure that the NHS at local, regional or national level is getting the most from the  public purse, workforce information is used to support the development of a Workforce  plan, as part of the Strategic Workforce Planning Workstream. 

This is done under Article 6(1) (e) 'processing is necessary for the performance of a task  carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the  controller' (please see the Strategic Workforce Programme section below). 

The Trust may rely on 'legitimate interests' where the processing is deemed necessary  for either your or RUH's legitimate interests or unless there is a good reason to protect  an individual's personal data which overrides those legitimate interests. 

This may include, but is not limited to, monitoring the use of Trust systems or apps.

How staff records may be used 
The Trust shares staff information with a range of organisations or individuals for a  variety of lawful purposes, including:
  • Disclosure to data processors - e.g. to companies providing archive storage of  personnel records under contract to the Trust 

  • Public disclosure under Freedom of Information - e.g. requested names or contact  details of senior managers or those in public-facing roles 

  • Disclosure of job applicant details - e.g. to named referees for reference checks, to the  Disclosure and Barring Service for criminal record checks, to named GPs for health  checks, to housing agencies for staff relocation or accommodation 

  • Disclosure to employment agencies - e.g. in respect of agency staff • Disclosure to banks and insurance companies - e.g. to confirm employment details in  respect of loan/mortgage applications/guarantees, with individual consent 

  • Disclosure to professional registration organisations - e.g. in respect of fitness to  practice hearings; 

  • Disclosure to occupational health professionals (subject to explicit consent) • Disclosure to police or fraud investigators - e.g. in respect of investigations into  incidents, allegations or enquiries, or in response to a court order 

Confidential staff information is only shared with other organisations where there is a  legal basis, when one of the following applies: 

• When there is a statutory duty to share staff data 
• When there is a statutory power to share staff data 
• When the employee has given their explicit consent to the sharing 

The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) is an exercise that matches electronic data within and  between public and private sector bodies to prevent and detect fraud. 

From 2017/18, NHS bodies were added to the mandatory list of responders. The core datasets include payroll data. 

For 2020, the Trust is required to take part in the National Flu Vaccination Programme  which is led by NHS England. 

Information needs to be shared as part of this programme. 

If you would like to see what information is being used and the lawful basis for using it,  then please see the NHS England website: National Flu Vaccination Programme. 

Vaccination status 
During the pandemic, information about vaccination status of staff was collected and  where necessary, it was stored nationally on secure approved systems. This was to  support the response the Covid-19. Data Protection Impact Assessments were  completed at this time. 

The decision to make vaccinations a condition of employment has now been reversed  and therefore the data that was being shared by RUH has stopped. The Trust will  continue to maintain local records of vaccinations for our staff. This will be managed in  the same way as we maintain occupational health records of staff and will be processed  similar to seasonal flu vaccines data. We need to keep this data to ensure that we offer  vaccines to the right people and to ensure safe care of our staff. This information will be 
stored in accordance with the Records Management Code of Practice 2021 and data  protection legislation.  

Sharing Information held in the Electronic Staff  Record 
On commencement of employment with the Trust, your personal data will be uploaded  to the Electronic Staff Record (ESR). 

ESR is a workforce solution for the NHS which is used by the Trust to effectively  manage the workforce leading to improved efficiency and improved patient safety. 

In accepting employment with the Trust, you accept that the following personal data will  be transferred under the streamlining programme if your employment transfers to  another NHS organisation: 

• Personal information such as your name, date of birth and contact details • Recruitment information including qualifications, registrations with professional  organisations, National Insurance (NI) Number, etc. 
• Payroll information 
• Assignment details (job role, department etc.) 
• Training records 

Streamlining is the process by which certain personal data is transferred from one NHS  organisation to another when your employment transfers. 

NHS organisations have a legitimate interest in processing your data in this way in  establishing the employment of a suitable workforce. 

The streamlining programme is a data sharing arrangement which is aimed at improving  efficiencies within the NHS both to make costs savings for Trusts but also to save you  time when your employment transfers. 

Strategic Workforce Programme 
Developments in health and care services are driving organisations to work even more  closely together to provide the best quality care, whilst achieving the greatest value for  money. 

It is widely recognised that the sharing of relevant data in a timely and secure manner  supports the delivery of effective care. 

The Trust will support the development of a wider workforce plan, as part of the  Strategic Workforce Planning Workstream, through the sharing of workforce information. 

Data from organisations and providers across the whole health and social care  economy within the BSW STP (Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire  Sustainability and Transformation Partnership) will be processed and used to establish  the relationship between workforce capacity and service delivery.
This will use information held in the Electronic Staff Record (ESR) and will include data  such as: 

• Job role 
• Division 
• Directorate 
• Speciality/Department 
• Mid-point of job pay scale 

Step into Health 
The Step into Health programme supports employers in the NHS to recruit from the  Armed Forces community (e.g. service leavers, spouses, dependents) by providing  tailored access routes to employment and training opportunities.  

As part of this work the team at NHS Employers provides tools, guidance and support to  NHS organisations so they can engage with the Armed Forces community and therefore  have a more representative workforce. 

For more information, please see the Step into Health Privacy Notice. 

Culture Shift (Report and Support) 
Your personal data (information which identifies you as an individual), including any  sensitive personal data (e.g. special categories of personal data such as, racial or  ethnic origin, physical or mental health) that you provide is handled in accordance  with the Trust’s Information Governance Management Policy, our Data Protection by  Design and Default policy and this privacy notice. Together they provide information  about how we protect your privacy.  

How your data will be used 
We may use the information you provide for the purpose of:  

Helping us to identify the best person for you to speak to in relation to your report. Providing the person with your contact details (if you have provided them) and some  useful background information that will enable them to understand the nature of your  concern or the incident you are reporting. 
Where applicable, reviewing your report and taking further action if required. We will  write to you to keep you inform of what we are doing. 
Once we have concluded any actions we have taken, we will write to you to inform  you of the outcome. 

Reporting Anonymously 
When reporting anonymously, we will not ask you for any personal identifiable  details. Please be aware that if you disclose on an anonymous basis, the Trust will  not be able to offer direct advice or take any action on the report. However, we will  keep an anonymised record of your report to identify whether there have been/are 
other similar reports and whether there is a pattern of behaviour or trends that should  be addressed.  

For us to be able to assist you fully, we encourage you to provide us with your  personal details. 

Disclosing your personal data 
Your identity and your other personal data will be disclosed within the Trust on a  need-to-know basis only. We will always seek to process the minimum amount of  personal data possible for us to deal with your report. Personal data will not be  disclosed to any third parties without your consent unless there are legitimate  reasons requiring us to do so, for example, where the information you have provided  highlights a potential risk to a person's health and safety. 

Retaining your data 
We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes  we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or  reporting requirements. We will keep records of all reports, both anonymous and  named, for 1 year from case closure on the ‘Report + Support’ system. We may  retain some anonymised information to monitor our work in this area, but you will not  be identifiable from this information. 

Your data rights 
You have certain rights in relation to your personal data, subject to certain  conditions. These include:  

· The right to access your personal data held by us. 
· The right to require us to rectify any inaccurate personal data held by us about  you. 
· The right to require us to erase personal data held by us about you where we  no longer need to use the personal data to achieve the purpose, we collected it for;  or where you withdraw your consent if processed on this basis. Please note, a  withdrawal of consent may prevent us from reviewing and processing a report,  and/or from taking further action based upon that report 
· The right to restrict our processing of personal data held by us about you, e.g.,  Where we no longer need to use the personal data to achieve the purpose, we  collected it for, but we require the data for the purposes of dealing with legal claims.  

If you have any questions, comments and requests regarding our data processing  practices and your rights, please send to 

You can also find more information about how your information is processed as part  of the reporting system provider’s (Culture Shift) Privacy Notice Culture Shift Report  and Support 

Your personal data will be retained by the Trust in accordance with the retention  schedule outlined in the Records Management Code of Practice 2021.
Staff access to their information 

Trust employees have the right to access personal information about them held by the  Trust, either to view the information in person, or to be provided with a copy. 

Staff members wanting to access their employment information should contact their  Human Resources representative. 

Requests are normally fulfilled within 30 calendar days of receiving the request in  writing. 

There is no charge for this unless the request is deemed to be manifestly unfounded,  excessive or repetitive. 

If we determine this to be the case we will notify you of this in writing. For employees who are also patients of the Trust, please see Health Records Access Security 

CCTV (closed circuit television) is utilised to protect the safety of our patients, staff and  members of the public. 

The Trust remains the data controller of this data and any disclosures to third parties  such as the police, will only be done with the permission of the Trust. 

To maintain privacy and dignity, recordings will not be permitted in areas of the hospital  where examinations or procedures are being undertaken or if there is likely to be nudity. 

Further information 
For further information about this notice, or any other data protection matter please  contact the Information Governance team: 

Tel: 01225 826468 

Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust 
Combe Park 

BA1 3NG 

For further guidance concerning the General Data Protection Regulation and Subject  Access Requests in general, please contact: 

The Information Commissioner's Office 
Wycliffe House 
Water Lane 
SK9 5AF 

Tel: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545745 

Or please see the Information Commissioner's Office website. 

Changes to our privacy notice 
Any changes we may make to our privacy notice in the future will be posted on our  website and on the intranet. Where appropriate we will notify you by email. 

Please check back frequently to see any updates.

There are two ways you can tell us what happened