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EAP provides confidential support, signposting and wellbeing interventions for all staff at the RUH regardless of their role, band or position within the organisation.

The EAP team is qualified, skilled and experienced in supporting staff to explore their concerns and move forward in their lives.  We also work closely with other RUH teams e.g. Health & Safety, Occupational Health, to ensure that our health & wellbeing campaigns and initiatives are responding to identified staff needs.

How can I access EAP?

You can self-refer to EAP via phone on 01225 825960 or e-mail ruh-tr.EAP@nhs.net

With your agreement your line manager can also refer you to EAP using the web form linked below.
EAP Management Referral Form

What support will I be offered?

When you first access EAP or are referred by your line manager you will be registered on our confidential client record system.  Registration is a simple process which allows us to gather basic personal information, contact details and equality & diversity data.
Once you’re registered you’ll be contacted within a day or two by one of the team who will ask you to briefly explain the problems or concerns you’re experiencing and the kind of support you’re hoping to access.  This is called a triage call and when it’s complete you’ll be offered one of the following options:
  • A 1:1 or group session focussing on stress & burnout prevention and improving resilience & self-care
  • A trauma screening session (TRiM) if you’ve recently been involved in a traumatic or distressing incident
  • A wellbeing planning session where you’ll be given information, tools & signposting in relation to the problems & concerns you’ve identified
  • A more in depth wellbeing assessment which may lead to counselling or other types of psychological therapy sessions


EAP is a confidential service; if you self-refer we will not share information with line managers, HR, Occupational Health or anyone else.  The confidentiality framework will be discussed fully with you during your first appointment.   
If you are referred to EAP by your line manager you will be asked at the outset if you consent to the referral and you will also be asked to consent to sharing feedback from your EAP sessions with your line manager as a way of helping them to support you with the problems or concerns you’re experiencing.  No information will be shared without your consent and it will only be shared with the line manager who referred you if you do give consent.  Nothing about you will be recorded on any medical or HR file.
EAP is a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and operates within its Ethical Framework & Good Practice Guidelines.

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There are two ways you can tell us what happened