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Freedom to Speak Up

Speaking up about any concern you have at work is really important. Our Freedom to Speak Up Guardians are here to listen and support everyone who works at the RUH to raise concerns.

The Freedom to Speak Up (FTSU) service is confidential and run by a team here at the RUH. You can contact us initially by email, by phone or via report and support. We will then arrange either a conversation in person, via MS Teams or over the phone to take your concern forward. 

We will stay in contact with you while we do this and where appropriate we will raise anything that needs to be raised to be escalated to relevant staff. Concerns can be anonymous, open or confidential. 

Data is gathered from every concern raised. This data is shared at board level so that change can be instigated and learning can happen. The FTSU Team also share data with The National Guardians Office (this data is completely anonymous).

There are two ways you can tell us what happened