Unions were created to support members in the workplace. Their role is to protect members' rights and ensure they are treated fairly. You can find out if a union can help you or you might want to find out more about joining a union.

Staff Side Chair: Maggie Bruniges – margaret.bruniges@nhs.net 
Staff Side Vice Chair: Baz Harding Clark- baz.harding-clark@nhs.net 
Staff Side Secretary: Andrea Rawle- andrea.rawle@nhs.net 
Staff Side office: 01225 824993

Please use the links below to find information and contact details for your local branch.

Unison.png 5.73 KB

Branch office phone number: 01225 824993 
Website: https://www.unison.org.uk/

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Royal College of Nursing
Branch office phone number: 01225 824906 
Website: https://www.rcn.org.uk/

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Unite Union
Website: https://www.unitetheunion.org/

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Society of Radiographers
Website: https://www.sor.org/

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Royal College of Midwifes
 Website: https://www.rcm.org.uk/join-rcm/

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British Medical Association
Website: https://www.bma.org.uk/
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MDU - Professional Medical Indemnity for clinical negligence claims.
Website: https://www.themdu.com/

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Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Website: https://www.csp.org.uk/

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BDA Association of UK Dietitians
Website:  https://www.bda.uk.com/

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Federation of Clinical Scientists
Website: https://labmed.org.uk/about-us/federation-of-clinical-scientists.html

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